C.H.O. Industria e Comercio Ltda.

Business Type:Trading Company

Main Products:
Year Established:

Our Commitment is to suply to our customers services and products with assured quality that is necessities satisfy. We have as mission to lead the market where we act searching the continuous perfectioning of our products and services trough development and research. Our Politcs of quality is to estimulate the participation of all the levels of rganization, in the continuous search of the perfectioning of the quality and development of new products aiming at that the staf of C.H.O. Is trained ...


Company Authentication

Time of verification:

Company Name:


Registered Address:

Company Scale:

Registered Capital:

Business Type:


Business Scope:

Main Markets:

Company Corporate Representative:


Business License:

Tax Registration Certificate:

Organization Code Certificate:

Legal person's id card:

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