Garg Chemical Industries

Business Type:

Main Products:
Year Established:

We would like to introduce ourselves as one of the leading “wholesale Dealer” of all kinds of industrial solvents & Chemicals in India. We have a 20 years proud history of catering to the needs of various industries with our quality products in various industries including Cleaners, Cosmetics, Pharmaceutical, Paper, Paint, Rubber, Printing, Garment, Pesticides etc. Over the 2 decades of our diligent journey, we have been able to garner a rich pool of experience in our trade and an influential c...


Company Authentication

Time of verification:

Company Name:


Registered Address:

Garg Chemical Industries. 2950/220, Tri Nagar, DELHI 110035

Company Scale:

Registered Capital:

Business Type:


Business Scope:

Main Markets:

Mid East

Company Corporate Representative:


Business License:

Tax Registration Certificate:

Organization Code Certificate:

Legal person's id card:

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