Remmers-Bnp GmbH

Business Type:Trading Company

Main Products:
Year Established:

Remmers-Bnp can deliver from competent suppliers like BASF / DSM and so on following materials (not complete list-please ask for items you need) : Amino acids Agrar additives Bioproducts Extracts Enzyme Feed-additives Food-additives Nature rawmaterials Vitamines A, B, C, D, E, F, H, K, M, P, U all kinds and types Biochemicals Nutraceuticals Phytoceuticals Trust to our experience for many decades (the beginnings goes back into the year 1983) , and thus grounds on large confidence potential and ...


Company Authentication

Time of verification:

Company Name:


Registered Address:

Company Scale:

Registered Capital:

Business Type:


Business Scope:

Main Markets:

Company Corporate Representative:


Business License:

Tax Registration Certificate:

Organization Code Certificate:

Legal person's id card:

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