Yiwu Demei Electronic Commerce Firm

Business Type:Trading Company

Main Products:
General items: Internet sales (except for sales of goods that require a license); sales of daily masks (non-medical); sales of paper products; sales of daily necessities; sales of daily chemical products; sales of special chemical products (excluding dangerous products); sales of traditional spice products; sales of non-edible vegetable oils; sales of chemical products (excluding licensed chemical products); wholesale of cosmetics; retail of cosmetics; import and export of goods; import and export of technology (except for projects that require approval according to law, business activities can be carried out independently in accordance with the law with a business license)
Year Established:

Yiwu Demei Electronic Commerce Firm is a modern high-tech chemical enterprise engaged in the research, development, production and sales of pharmaceutical raw materials and organic intermediates. It is committed to making its own contribution to the export of Chinese pharmaceutical chemicals to all over the world. In recent years, our products have also been exported to the UK, Germany, Australia, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Kazakhstan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and many other re...


Company Authentication

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