PT.Hadi Putra Jaya

Business Type:Trading Company

Main Products:
Year Established:

Our first company, PD Seger Chemical, was established in 1966 by Mr Soelaeman Hadi as a retail of various chemical products. For 20 years, PD Seger Chemical had grown and finally, on May 16, 1986, we established a new larger company named CV Hadi Putra Jaya in Bandung. Besides selling the local chemical products, the company started to import the chemical products from other countries like China, German, Thailand, Taiwan and Korea. ?...


Company Authentication

Time of verification:

Company Name:


Registered Address:

Company Scale:

Registered Capital:

Business Type:


Business Scope:

Main Markets:

Company Corporate Representative:


Business License:

Tax Registration Certificate:

Organization Code Certificate:

Legal person's id card:

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