VI Semiconductor Materials Co. Ltd

Business Type:Lab/Research institutions

Audited Supplier

Main Products:
high purity,II-VI, III-V and halogen compound products,sulfide, selenide,telluride,iodide,chloride,antimonide,phosphide etc
Year Established:

VI Semi-conductor Materials is a leading manufacturer on subdivision. We specialized in compound semiconductor materials based on continuous technique accumulation and precipitation since 1990s .We make the most of reliable and proven technologies to develop and manufacture advanced materials for customers. We’re working with our customers to develop sustainable innovations and address some of the most complex challenges, including perovskite solar energy, solid electrolyte, optical quantum chip...


Company Authentication

Time of verification:

2024-6-27 16:03

Company Name:

VI Semiconductor Materials Co. Ltd


China (Mainland)

Registered Address:

No.33, Pengyan Street, Economic Development Zone, Daying County

Company Scale:

11 - 50

Registered Capital:


Business Type:


Business Scope:

high purity,II-VI, III-V and halogen compound products,sulfide, selenide,telluride,iodide,chloride,antimonide,phosphide etc

Main Markets:

North America     South America     Eastern Europe     Southeast Asia     Africa     Oceania     Mid East     Eastern Asia     Western Europe     

Company Corporate Representative:



Business License:

Tax Registration Certificate:

Organization Code Certificate:

Legal person's id card:

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