Rabochem AG

Business Type:Trading Company

Main Products:
Year Established:

Rabochem AG was founded in 1974. We trade in chemical products. Under the management of the present director Rabochem AG specialises in the trade of recycled chemicals. Since 1999 the office is situated in Murten, in a house originally built in 1655 which we restored. Rabochem AG is a member of the "Chambre de Commerce de Fribourg" and the "Verband Chemiehandel" in K?ln. Rabochem AG participates in the worldwide "Responsible Care" program, to which we feel committed....


Company Authentication

Time of verification:

Company Name:


Registered Address:

Company Scale:

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Company Corporate Representative:


Business License:

Tax Registration Certificate:

Organization Code Certificate:

Legal person's id card:

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