FLUORESCEIN ACID Specification For : FLUORESCEIN ACID C.A.S. No. 1461-15-0 C. I. No 45350 :1 Test Specification Description Dark orange powd…
FLUORESCEIN ACID Specification For : FLUORESCEIN ACID C.A.S. No. 1461-15-0 C. I. No 45350 :1 Test Specification Description Dark orange powder Solubility 0.1% (0.1 N NaOH) Clear yellow solution with greenish fluorescence Absorptivity 1% / 1cm, at max 491.0 nm Limit : 2200 to 2500 Loss On Drying at 110 0 C(1hr) Limit : Max. 1% Assay Limit : Min.99%
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