Ferric oxalate 2944-66-3 Diiron trioxalate
Technology: Technology innovation is our eternal pursuit,or we will be left behind.Our technology experts,all from famous universities and institutes,has rich experience and high achievements in chemical research.This makes sure that our technology support is reliable and authoritative.All of self-owned fine chemicals are manufactured strictly in accordance with international standard.We have our own independent lab test center,and also has scientific cooperation with local colleges and institutes.
Product information
Melting point: 160°C
Density: 2.3
Water Solubility: Slightly soluble
Appearance: Pale yellow crystalline powder
25kg/bag or according to per customer's requirement
Common chemical for Land, Sea and Air delivery
Ferrous Oxalate can be used as photographic developer.It can also be used in pharmaceutical industry. Battery grade ferrous oxalate can be used as the raw materials of anode material lithium iron phosphate.
CAS NO:18479-58-8
CAS NO:623-17-6
CAS NO:27344-41-8
CAS NO:381-73-7
CAS NO:23519-77-9
CAS NO:5593-70-4
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