LDN 193189 dihydroc...

LDN 193189 dihydrochloride

LDN 193189 dihydrochloride

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  • Purity: ≥98% by HPLC


LDN 193189 dihydrochloride 4-[6-[4-(1-Piperazinyl)phenyl]pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidin-3-yl]quinoline dihydrochloride

Quick Details

  • Appearance:
  • Application:LDN 193189 dihydrochloride is a selective ALK2 and ALK3 inhibitor with IC50 values of 5 and 30 nM. It can inhibit FOP and ectopic ossification. LDN 193189 is a potential agent in the treatment of ...
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