Guanosine, 5'-amino-5'-deoxy- 5'-Amino-5'-deoxyguanosine
We provide customized and high-quality 5'-Amino-5'-deoxyguanosine product for your project.
5'-Amino-5'-deoxyguanosine is a nucleoside analog used in biomedical research. It can be incorporated into oligonucleotides and DNA to study the effects of modified bases on genome stability and function. Additionally, this compound has shown promising anticancer activity through its ability to disrupt DNA replication and induce apoptosis in cancer cells.
CAS NO:54925-88-1
CAS NO:415684-38-7
CAS NO:40829-32-1
CAS NO:3788-44-1
CAS NO:2022956-42-7
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