
  • Mercury compounds in the blood of rats treated with ETHYLMERCURIC CHLORIDE (cas 107-27-7)
  • Add time:08/19/2019         Source:sciencedirect.com

    Ethylmercuric chloride (EMC) labeled with 203Hg was administered to rats, and the chemical nature of the mercury compound which accumulated in the blood was investigated.More than 97% of the total mercury in the blood of the EMC-treated rats was extracted with dithizone as organic mercury dithizonate and the organic mercury compounds liberated as the chloride from blood was identified by comparison with authentic ethylmercuric chloride.The ethylmercury residue in the blood was found to be bound to hemoglobin, and it was detected as S-ethylmercuric cysteine in the pronase digest of the bound hemoglobin.Form these results, it was concluded that the ethylmercury residue should accumulate in the blood, binding with SH groups of cysteine residues by a mercaptide linkage to the hemoglobin molecule.In vitro experiments of the distribution of EMC in the blood showed that EMC had a high affinity for the inside of the membrane of erythrocytes as was previously seen in vivo, and that mercury compound, once combined with hemoglobin, was transferred with difficulty through the stroma.

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    Prev:Metabolism of ETHYLMERCURIC CHLORIDE (cas 107-27-7)-203Hg in rats☆
    Next: Absorption, distribution, and excretion of ETHYLMERCURIC CHLORIDE (cas 107-27-7)☆)

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