
  • Effects of Gymnemic acid (cas 1399-64-0)s lozenge on reward region response to receipt and anticipated receipt of high-sugar food
  • Add time:09/04/2019         Source:sciencedirect.com

    A gymnemic acids lozenge that blocks sweet taste receptors reduced the decision to consume candy in humans even before the candy was tasted after the gymnemic acids dose, suggesting that blocking sweet taste receptors reduces valuation of sweet foods. The present study used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to test whether the gymnemic acids lozenge reduces reward region response to both intake and anticipated intake of high-sugar food, as well as ad lib candy intake relative to a placebo lozenge. Here we show for the first time that a gymnemic acids lozenge versus placebo lozenge significantly reduced activation in the striatum and orbitofrontal cortex in response to anticipated tastes of high-sugar milkshake, and significantly reduced dorsolateral prefrontal cortex response to tastes of milkshake. We also replicated evidence that a gymnemic acids lozenge versus placebo lozenge significantly reduced ad lib candy intake. Results also provide novel evidence that an initial taste of a high-sugar food increases reward region (i.e., caudate) response to anticipated intake of more of the high-sugar food. Results suggest that blocking sweet taste receptors not only reduces reward region response to intake of high-sugar foods, but also reduces anticipated reward from high-sugar foods, potentially via a feedback loop regarding the availability of sweet taste receptors to convey perceptual input regarding sweet tastes. Collectively, results imply that the gymnemic acids lozenge might prove useful in decreasing high-sugar food intake.

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    Prev:ReviewBinding properties between human sweet receptor and sweet-inhibitor, Gymnemic acid (cas 1399-64-0)s
    Next: Document headingPharmacological and analytical aspects of Gymnemic acid (cas 1399-64-0): a concise report)

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