
  • Mass spectrometric studies at high temperatures—X: The sublimation pressures of scandium (III), yttrium (III) and lanthanum (III), trifluorides
  • Add time:09/25/2019         Source:sciencedirect.com

    Sublimation pressures of ScF3, YF3 and LaF3 were measured by mass spectrometric and semi-microbalance studies via the Knudsen and Langmuir techniques. The mass spectrometric work established ScF3(g), YF3(g) and LaF3(g) as the major vapour species over their respective solid trifluorides. For ScF3 the results are represented by: log Patm = −(1·938 ± 0·042) × 104/T + 9·43 ± 0·33; (1172° < T° < 1402°K) for YF3 by log Patm = −(2·185 ± 0·030) × 104/T + 9·77 ± 0·23; (1256° < T° < 1434°K) and for LaF3 by log Patm = −(2·02 ± 0·02) × 104/T + 8·20 ± 0·15, (1200° < T° < 1434°K) where the errors quoted are standard deviations from the least-square fits.The heat of sublimation for ScF3 at 1290°K is 89 ± 3 kcal mole−1; for YF3 at 1332°K, ΔH° = 100 ± 3 kcal mole−1; and for LaF3 at 1324°K, ΔH° is 92 ± 2 kcal mole−1.

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