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Italy is a unitary parliamentary republic in Europe.Located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, Italy shares open land borders with France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, San Marino and Vatican City. Italy covers an area of 301,338 km2 (116,347 sq mi) and has a largely temperate seasonal and Mediterranean climate. Due to its shape, it is often referred to in Italy as lo Stivale (the Boot).] With 61 million inhabitants it is the fourth most populous EU member state.
Contact person:Mr. chematek
Street address:ChemateK S.p.A., Via Mantova, 2a, 20020 Lainate (MI), Italy Via Mantova 2a Italy
Headquartered on the outskirts of the Italian city of Milan, Chematek, founded by its present owner and managing director, has grown into a leading supplier of chemical more.. More
Contact person:Mr. RicciChimica
Tel:+39 (0)756929241
Street address:Via A. Barcaccia, 7 -06134 Ponte Valleceppi - Perugia - Italy Ponte Valleceppi Perugia Italy
Ricci Chimica is a manufacturing laboratory located in Italy, specializing in manufacturing and marketing fine organic compounds and intermediates for the pharmaceutica more.. More
Contact person:Ms. Mirella Moscheni
Tel:+39 02 96953398 39 0371 4902 1
Street address:V.le Milano 86/88-26900 LODI(LO) ITALY Milano Milano Italy
Contact person:Mr. cesalpinia
Tel:39 331 715 111
Street address:A Company of Lamberti Group, Via Marsala 38/D, 21013 Gallarte VA, Italy Gallarte VA Italy
Contact person:Mr. sir
Street address:Via E. de Amicis, 47 - 20123 Milano Milano Milano Italy
Contact person:Mr. argus
Tel:+39 0574 938255
Street address:Via del Molin Nuovo 10 59024 Vernio (PO) Italy Vernio Vernio Italy
Contact person:Mr. sir
Street address:via togliatti nr. 5 GUASTALLA (R.E), 42016, Italy Italy
Contact person:Mr. Sergio Albertazz
Tel:+39 0363 31401
Street address:Via Bergamo 121 - 24047 Treviglio - Italy Treviglio Treviglio Italy
Contact person:Mr. Vinci-Biochem
Tel:+39 0571 568147
Street address:Vinci-Biochem - Via Ponte di Bagnolo, 10 50059 Vinci (Fi) Italia Bagnolo Bagnolo Italy
Contact person:Mr. sir
Street address:via Buozzi 2 Caleppio di Settala MI Italy
Contact person:Mr. Sir
Street address:SAGRAN srl via Cialdini,37 20161 - MILANO (ITALY) MILANO Milano Italy
Contact person:Mr. Franco Budi
Tel:+39-035 8031578
Street address:Via Palazzolo, 16 Bergamo Italy Bergamo Bergamo Italy
Contact person:Mr. Sir
Tel:+39 02 2105161
Street address:Via Oslavia 17, 20134 MILANO (MI), Italy MILANO Italy
MessageContact person:Mr. sir
Tel:+ 39 - 057458901
Street address:Prato - Via Francesco De ,Sanctis, 62 Italy
MessageContact person:Mr. Sir
Tel:+32 3 613 01 20
Street address:Posthofbrug 12,Box 6 B-2600 Antwerp Country Belgium Italy
Contact person:Mr. sir
Tel:0421 41442
Street address:Via Kennedy, 67, Zona Industrial Est 30027 San Dina Di piave Italy
Contact person:Mr. Kalvin Banks
Tel:+39 0541 775946
Street address:kalvinbanks@allorachem.com Rimini Italy
MessageContact person:Mr. sir
Tel:39 0541 775946
Street address:italy Italy
Contact person:Mr. chematekchematek
Street address:ChemateK S.p.A., Via Mantova, 2a, 20020 Lainate (MI), Italy Italy
Contact person:Mr. sir
Street address:Via Salvini 10, 20122 Milan (Italy) Italy
Major European Grape Alcohol Distillery Producer of Grape Alcohol, Wine Distillate, Italian Brandy and Grappa in b..
Azelis is the leading pan-European speciality chemicals distributor. We provide a diverse range of products and inn..
FAR, located near Verona in the north of Italy, has been developing and manufacturing diagnostic kits since 1986. ..
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