Sudan Red cerasin red;oil red C22H16N4O
Nature Standard is a leading provider of high quality TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) reference standards for pharmaceutical companies and research institutes. Nature Standard carries more than 700 TCM reference compounds and 600 reference extracts for TCM raw materials, which cover all the TCM reference compounds and extracts included in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Our reference standards have been obtained, evaluated, and distributed as the national standards by the National Institute for Food and Drug Control(NIFDC), a government agency affiliated with Chinese State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) in China. We are also an important supplier of USP and Chromadex about the natural products.
The purity is no less than 98% by HPLC,which can be used as reference standard in quality analysis.The ordinary packege is 20mg per vial. Besides,it can be provided from grams to kg level for other uses.
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