Description LaponiteRDSMagnesiumlithiumSilicateisasyntheticlayeredsilicate.Itisinsolubleinwater,oilandethanol,inwater,hydratedexpansion,lowsoli…
Laponite RDS Magnesium lithium Silicate is a synthetic layered silicate. It is insoluble in water,oil and ethanol, in water,hydrated expansion,low solid can form a colorless transparent,high viscosity, At concentrations of 2% or greater in water, highly thixotropic gels can be produced. it has the same function with Laponite RD.
Gel mechanism: This product is a three eight surface of the layered silicate minerals, when mixed with water,
the granules rapidly expansion until the sheet separation.Due to the negatively charged surface of thin layers,
with positive charge, after the separation of the sheet end are attracted to the other sheet dimension, resulting in the rapid formation of three-dimensional colloidal structure of the system, the increase of viscosity.
Application: This product is suitable for all kinds of paints, cosmetics, toothpaste, household preparation, surface coating, ceramic, pesticide, pigment, grinding paste,
adhesives, paper, printing ink and other effects of thickening agent, a thixotropic agent, suspending agent, anti-sagging agent, sizing agent, dispersing agent, adhesive; Can also be used to flavor, pigment, enzyme carrier and pharmaceutical excipients.