
  • Dosage des médicaments par spectrophotométrie in situ des chromatogrammes en vue de leur étude pharmacocinétique : I. Sulpiride et autres benzamides, vincamine, naftazone (cas 15687-37-3)
  • Add time:09/07/2019         Source:sciencedirect.com

    Quantitative determination of drugs by in situ spectrophotometry of chromatograms for pharmacokinetic studies. I. Sulpiride and other benzamides, vincamine, naftazone.Assays are proposed for sulpiride and other benzamides, vincamine and naftazone in plasma (or blood) and urine with direct UV reflectance spectrophotometry on thin-layer chromatography (TLC) at 293, 280 and 270 nm respectively. Urine samples are applied directly on TLC along with a calibration curve on each plate. Plasma (or total blood) samples are extracted, and an internal standard is added before application; slopes of the obtained calibration curves do not change significantly from plate to plate, thus allowing several determinations on the same plate.The sensitivity is 2 μg in a 1-ml sample (amount applied 30 ng) for sulpiride and related compounds and about the same for vincamine. Naftazone is determined in plasma with simultaneous reflectance and transmittance spectrophotometric measurements at 520 nm on chromatoplates sprayed with lead acetate, the sensitivity reached is 10 ng in a 1-ml sample (amount applied 0.5 ng).For all drugs studied, the proposed techniques are specific, reliable and sensitive enough and can be used to perform pharmacokinetic studies in human or in animal after administration of doses in the therapeutic range.

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